News: LifeAssays® visiting Dr. Carol in Cleveland Ohio (NGNews)

2016-09-23 16:11
LifeAssays® har nyligen besökt Dr Carol i Cleveland Ohio. Dr Carol är en av de veterinärer som använder LifeAssays® högkänsliga hund CRP test i en cancerstudie under det australiensiska bolaget Biotempus ansvar.

LifeAssays® publicerade en uppdatering från besöket direkt på Bolagets hemsida med bedömningen att den inte innehåller nyheter av kurspåverkande slag. Bolaget har fått frågor på anledningen till varför denna information inte gått ut via NGMs nyhetstjänst och därför valt att också publicera uppdateringen där.

LifeAssays® specially designed version of the canine CRP continue to deliver robust results in the cancer study the Australian company Biotempus is running. DVM Noam Pik from Biotempus confirmed this at a joint visit in the clinic of Dr. Carol in Chagrin Falls Ohio recently. At the meeting DVM Pik gave a lecture on the science behind the trial and in the audience were, among others, the Tibetan Terrier Farley, known from the article in the News Herald. (bild av terrier och Noam)

LifeAssays® and Biotempus, the Australian company responsible for the treatment study of dogs with cancer, recently visited the clinic in Chagrin Falls (OH) together. DVM Noam Pik from Biotempus gave a lecture in DVM Carol Osborne’s clinic on the science behind the study and gave some very preliminary results.

In short, and simplified, the theory behind the study is as follows. The growth of a tumor depends on a shift in the balance of the immune system. Regulatory cells are the cells responsible for the balance in the immune system. In cancer the balance is shifted and the regulatory cells takes control. In the un balanced immune system the killer cells, whose function is to attack and destroy the cancer cells, are stopped from doing this by the regulatory cells and the tumor is allowed to grow.

LifeAssays® specially designed high sensitive canine CRP test makes it possible to determine the cyclic variation of the immune system. With this knowledge treatment can be administrated at the exact right time to stop the regulatory cells from growing, giving the killer cells room to attack the tumor.

The recruitment to Step 1 of the clinical trial, the so-called explorative phase is now closed. More than 200 dogs have been treated or are under treatment and follow-up. The intention is to allow dogs still under treatment to finalise the treatment and during the remains of this year and compile data for publication. Step 2 of the clinical study is planned for early 2017. According to DVM Noam Pik this part will include considerably fewer dogs and thus take shorter time than Step 1.

Final results from Step 1 are planned for the end of this year and consequently no exact figures on the success are available. However, the outcome looks very promising. Looking at dogs with complete recovery from the cancer, dogs with partial recover where the tumor shrunk and those dogs where the tumor has stopped growing, the indication is that more than 2/3 of the dogs are in these three groups.

A fantastic result, taking in to consideration that the dogs participating in the study, was given weeks to a few months to live.


Informationen i detta pressmeddelande är sådan som LifeAssays® AB skall offentliggöra enligt lagen om värdepappersmarknaden och/eller lagen om handel med finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för omgående offentliggörande den 23 september 2016 kl. 16.00 

För ytterligare information kontakta VD för LifeAssays AB, Anders Ingvarsson +46 46 286 54 00 eller email:


Om LifeAssays®. NGM-listade LifeAssays® ABs affärsidé är att utveckla, tillverka och sälja diagnostiska system baserade på bolagets egna och patenterade teknologiplattform, MagnetoImmunoAssay (MIA). Företaget levererar säkra och robusta system för snabba och tillförlitliga analyser inom veterinärmedicin. För mer detaljer se


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