Avtech Sweden
AVTECH: One step closer to big vision (Redeye)

2017-04-25 09:39
AVTECH reported a Q1-report with a revenue of SEK 2.9 million (estimate SEK 3.7 million). EBIT however was in line with our expectations at SEK-1.3 million (our estimates were SEK -1.0 million). The collaboration project with Met Office, EasyJet and the airport at Gatwick in London is a great opportunity to prove AVTECH’s competitive advantage in time based operations. It will also prove AVTECH’s as a solution in the eco system between aircrafts and airports which is one of the company’s biggest visions. We had made some minor changes on the cost side. Estimates for personnel cost in 2017 has increased while external cost has decreased. Our DCF indicates a value range of SEK 2 – 11 with a base case of SEK 4.5.

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info@redeye.se (Redeye.se)
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Avtech Sweden B - I dag



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